It is almost inevitable that your leather car seats, leather jacket or leather shoes will be exposed to rain, puddles, or water spills. So it helps to know what happens when leather gets wet.

What to Know About Water-Damaged Leather
When leather gets wet, it opens it up to deterioration. Water strips leather of its natural oils and when wet leather dries, it becomes dry and brittle. While rain can ruin leather, the following steps can help you treat and fix water-damaged leatherto help preserve your valuable leather apparel.
How to Fix Water-Damaged Leather
- Dry the wet leather completely. Allow the wet leather to dry for at least 24 hours. And make sure you just let it dry at room temperature. Do not use a blow dryer or other heat source.
- Gently wipe off any excess dirt. Usea soft, lint-free cloth to remove debris and dirt. If your leather needs a deeper cleaning, use Leather Honey Leather Cleaner.
- Allow the leather to dry. Once you have finished cleaning the water-damaged leather, allow it time to dry again.
- Apply Leather Honey Leather Conditioner. Apply a thin, even coat of Leather Honey Leather Conditioner to all areas – not just those that were wet.
- Repeat Application if Necessary. If the water-damaged leather appears to need another round of cleaning and conditioning, repeat the steps above.

How to Remove Dried Water Spots From Leather
If your leather apparel has dried water stains, use Leather Honey Leather Cleaner to gradually work the water spots out, covering the entire area with a sweeping motion. Let the leather air dry and then apply Leather Honey Leather Conditioner.
Prevent Water Damage Before it Happens
It is important to refer to our leather care guides before cleaning and conditioning your leather. Leather Honey leather care products can be used to pre-treat your leather pieces to prevent potential water damage. To be proactive, clean your boots regularly with Leather Honey Leather Cleaner and condition every six months with Leather Honey Leather Conditioner. Leather Honey Leather Conditioner will act as a water-repelling agent. If your leather piece is well moisturized it will cause moisture to bead on the surface instead of penetrating into the leather fibers.
More to Know About Wet Leather
Some common questions people have about what happens to leather when it's wet.
Can leather get wet?
It is best to not allow leather to get wet. When leather is wet, it will dry out and possibly crack.
Does leather get ruined when wet?
Yes, leather can get ruined when it gets wet. Do your best to prevent your leather from getting wet. However, when/if the leather gets wet, simply follow the guide above to repair it.
Can you restore leather from water damage?